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  • MSSBTA Staff

Case Study: Strategic IT Review Unlocks Potential for State Economic Development Organization

The Client:

The CFO of a State economic development organization sought a strategic IT (Information Technology) review of their infrastructure with an update to their IT roadmap to ensure technology readiness for business growth and transformation of the organization. MSS Business Transformation Advisory (MSSBTA) was engaged to assist in a review of the infrastructure, the current satisfaction of the Staff with IT, and alignment between the CFO and the IT Director.

Their Challenge:

The organization’s industry is experiencing growth and change, requiring an organizational transformation. The IT team is at the center of that transformation. The Senior Vice-president of Quality Programs required a better understanding and review of the IT products and services to ensure the strength and quality of the infrastructure and the IT plans for the next 2 to 3 years.

Our Solution:

The team analyzed the current state of the IT Infrastructure, through interviews with the key IT staff and the current Master Services Provider (MSP). To evaluate the current IT roadmap, the team used the current roadmap, the MSSBTA Client Satisfaction and CEO/CIO alignment Diagnostics and interviews with IT staff and leadership.

Their Results:

The infrastructure review revealed the use of dated equipment and out-of-service operating systems on key business-supporting equipment. Potential security issues were identified. The current layout was documented along with recommendations for improvements that were added to the new roadmap. The roadmap was also updated with recommendations for improved integration with the business, results from the satisfaction survey the alignment diagnostics, and other recommendations from the MSSBTA team. The final roadmap included the recommended initiatives, priorities, and a timeline for completion. The roadmap was adopted by the business and IT organizations to implement immediately.


  • Customer satisfaction and CEO/CIO Diagnostic’s results

  • Current and future state diagrams of the technology infrastructure

  • Interview results

  • Updated strategic IT roadmap

  • MSSBTA recommendations for overall changes in the IT integration with the business

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